Wrapping up the last week of September, Boston church members meditated on the message from Romans 2 about the sins of believers. Apostle Paul teaches the sin of gentile as godlessness and wickedness. He also points out believers sin as condemning others and misusing God’s forgiveness.
It is so easy for us to make Sunday service as religious rituals and all our serving and devotion as self-righteousness. In Luke 18, Jesus gave a parable of a tax collector and Pharisee. He praised that the tax collector is more righteous than the other. What God wants to see from us is broken and honest heart. When we have true repentance in us, we can begin the relationship with God.
Boston Church prays for the true revival that can be started from our hearts. In the new month of October, we will continue to pray for a great revival in Cambridge setting up Bible teachers and prayer warriors together1